Red Bull Energy Drink

Red Bull is an energy drink specially developed particularly for periods of mental and physical stress and strain. It can be drunk in virtually any situation; during sports, at work, whilst driving and in leisure activities. In short, Red Bull energy drink:
*Increase physical enduran
*Increase concentration and reaction speed
*Improve vigilance
*Improve emotional status
*Stimulates metabolism
One can of Red Bull Energy Drink  (250ml) contains many vitamins and minerals such as Taurine, Glucuronilactone, Caffeine, Niacin, Vitamin B5, B6 & B12. Detail function for each group of mineral are show below. Currently they have 2 choices, one with the gold color and another one is the silver color with 25% less sugar.


*Regulates body temperature and stress level, amplifying heart's performance


*Aids in detoxifying waste substances from our body

*Increase focus and overall alertness

B-group Vitamin

*Enchances mental performance and physical endurance

So today the Red Bull sales representative came to our office to give out free sample drink. Samples given was the silver can. It is 25% less sugar compare to the gold can. Good for those who are concerned about their sugar intake. For more info check out their website


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