Jackson Lim's Surprise Birthday Party

Last week we had a surprise birthday party for our brother Jackson Lim at MSJ Photography Studio. We had it planned a week before. Eventually the surprise didn't go that smoothly as Jackson is a very smart and sharp person. He claimed that he knew this is coming as some of our friend acting weird lately. Haha!!..but we don't know how true is his words. We just pretend what we heard is real from him. Anyway, we had a great time that night for the birthday boy and he seem to be very happy. Members that join this party was myself, Gerry, Lam Lam, Samuel, Jackson Ho, Felix, and Mark. Party start on 8.00pm.We had everything prepared before the birthday boy arrive at the studio.

Some of the foods for the night. Deep fry food and steamboat .

While Gerry and Lam Lam went out to take the cake, The rest of us doing some preparation. Mark in action, doing some cooking.

Samuel, had a wide experience in cooking.

Here's our cake, a Nikon D3s shape. It's the most expensive cake i ever ate so far.

We all hide in the kitchen. I'm the one in charge of light up the candles and carry the cake. It's really heavy though. When the birthday boy come in, we all sang birthday song and surprise him.

We have no idea where to stick the candles, so we just use another small plastic container to place the candles. Eventually, the plastic container burn up.

The D3s cake was so amazing, it can be use to take picture and fun to be played, not to mentioned it's eatable too. Hahaha!!

I kinda like this pictures, everyone was in epic moment with funny looks.

Time to eat up.

Once again, happy birthday to Jackson Lim our brother. May God bless him always and had a good life ahead.


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  1. It's like eating plastic but not entirely plastic ka? I mean the cake?

  2. haha..it's a thick icing..very sweet..hard to swallow lo for me..but the inside..nice
